One of the recommended webserver/app server systems to use in you ORDS/Apex stack is Weblogic, the other is Tomcat. I prefer tomcat because it is soo much quicker and easier to install, and more importantly, to configure.
- Java JDK
- Java JRE
For this install I am using the JDK we already install (GraalVM 21) and jre 8 441.

Install Steps
Download from the Apache software foundation

I downloaded the 64 bit windows zip and the Windows service installer
Run the installer .exe file
Open your browser at the chosen port

Apache Tomcat® – Apache Tomcat 9 Software Downloads
Apache Tomcat 9 (9.0.102) – Tomcat Setup
How to Install Tomcat on Windows: Easy Step-by-Step Guide
How to Install Apache Tomcat on Windows {Step-by-Step}
These may help
Run the installer, you get this..

Set the Port and admin user details..

Choose your Java..

Choose your installed folder..

All done.