David Fitzjarrell begins with:
“Oracle can be set to use a broad range of version settings, controlled by the compatible setting. Normally upon install this is set to the current version of the database that’s been installed. There may be times, however, when a lower compatibility setting is warranted, possibly for performance reasons.
Let’s look at an example where a fairly recent version of Oracle (19c) is configured to use compatibility.”
2. ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol exception
Helios refers to this document in his blog.
He says this issue is caused by the default setting for allowed logon version in the 12 database.
3. Testing RENAME LOB (Segment) in 23ai
Hermant writes:
“First I create a Table where the Column and LOB (Segment) are both called “C”. In recent versions, SECUREFILE is the default and recommended for LOBs (e.g. with the COMPRESS, DEDUPLICATION and ENCRYPTION advantages).
Then I insert 3 rows.
I then rename the column “C” to “CLOB_COL”.
Next, I rename the LOB (Segment) to “MY_LOB_OBJECTS_CLOB”. I include the Table Name because the LOB segment is an independent segment that I might query in USER_SEGMENTS (where Table Name) is not available. This RENAME LOB clause is new in 23ai and does not require the use of MOVE LOB.
I then verify the new Segment Name for the LOB as well…”
4. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure – Monthly Update May 2024
Tanya Heise summarises May and also links to this document and these resources
5. Rownum quiz
Jonathan Lewis says, “Here’s a silly little puzzle that baffled me for a few moments until I spotted my typing error. It starts with a small table I’d created to hold a few rows, and then deletes most of them…”
Read the full blog to find out more.
6. Streamlining Leave Requests with Oracle Process Automation and Integration
Murari Kalluri goes through:
- The Need for Automated Leave Request Processes
- Oracle Process Automation: Transforming Leave Request Management
- Key features of Oracle Process Automation for leave request management
- Step by Step to Create an Application
7. Cloning PDBs with TDE enabled just got a lot easier with ORDS
Martin Carstenbach begins with:
“Based on user feedback the ORDS (Oracle REST Data Sources) team overhauled a large chunk of the Pluggable Database Lifecycle Management REST API. The process of creating Pluggable Databases (PDBs) from the seed PDB, as well as hot-cloning PDBs (including those encrypted using Transparent Data Encryption, TDE) in particular saw a redesign.
The previously used endpoint is still available, however you now have a new one at your disposal. Only the latter can be used to perform hot clones of PDBs with TDE enabled.”
8. Oracle Database 23ai is available in the cloud and as Free
Mike Dietrich writes about the latest announcement.
Robin writes, “Let’s not bury the lede: it was DNS. However, unlike the meme (“It’s not DNS, it’s never DNS. It was DNS”), I didn’t even have an inkling that DNS might be the problem.
I’m writing a new blog about streaming Apache Kafka data to Apache Iceberg and wanted to provision a local Kafka cluster to pull data from remotely. I got this working nicely just last year using ngrok to expose the broker to the interwebz, so figured I’d use this again. Simple, right?”
10. Working with Oracle Linux 8, Podman, and Docker Compose
This blog starts with, “In this blog post I will share how to configure an Oracle Linux 8.9 server and Podman to work with Docker Compose.
Docker Compose is a command-line tool used for defining and the running single, or multi-container applications.
Docker Compose simplifies the management of the entire application stack, making it easy to manage services, networks, and volumes all from a single, easy to read YAML (Yet-Another-Markup-Language) formatted file.”