Oracle Analytics security can (and should in my view) use database tables managed using Oracle Apex. These tables can enable
- Authentication (usernames and passwords)
- Authorisation (mapping users to Roles)
The reason we would do this is because user administration does not exist in OAS, the nearest you can get to it would be to use Console to manage the Security Realm based users – which would require administrators with access to Console or EM. It would be better if users managed their own password, and we used processes with some automation to manage roles.
To demo this I first need to install Apex on my Windows server.
Which is incredibly easy now. (shout out to the Apex team).
here goes…
Open a command window
sqlplus /nolog
alter session set container=adrianspdb;
@apexins.sql SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/
Thats it. For apex at least. Next we will install ORDS to run it.