One of the several per-install task for the rcu on a MS SQL Server database is to set the general database security to allow SQL Server Authentication as well and windows. @ddi
Category: OBIEE
Dylan Wan in Todays OBIEE News
The latest edition of OBIEE News is out, featuring a headline article by Dylan Wan on ODI.
OBIEE 11g R1.6 New Admin Feature
“Scan and Update Catalog Objects That require Updates” I wonder what that does…
OBIEE Installs in record time
For the last three years I have been installing OBIEE 11g. It has been a painful and disappointing process – unitl now. I just downloaded, installed RCU and full Enterprise edition in less than ONE HOUR. Amazing! Thank you Oracle. It took you a while but you now seem…
OBIEE 11G version Release
The tweeters did a good job of sending out the word that version 6 of version 1 is now available for download from I have downloaded and installed the RCU and guess what?, IT WORKED! Yippee. It’s definitely time to start recommending version 11g to your clients. I will…
Avoid Firefox 10
Note: Christian had beaten me to this!
Active Directory Installation
We recently installed a set of new servers at Addidici HQ for testing and development of OBIEE 11g. I wanted to make it more real world so we included Microsoft Active Directory (MSAD) on one of the servers. Having never installed or used MSAD as an administrator previously, I quickly…
State of the OBIEE Market
Recession, what recession? Ever since I started up Majendi (Now Rittman Mead), the market for Siebel Analytics (now Oracle BI) has been a roller coaster. Looking back, supply and demand for consultants / contractors / permies has either been heavily biased to supply or to demand. Getting the balance right…
Dont Try This At Home Kids
Having just spent some time on a prjoect with Christian Berg and Venkat, and seeing some of the presentations at the BI Forum, I have come up with my all time top 10 of ‘Don’t do this without an Adult Supervisor’ 1. Implement Essbase in OBIEE2. Use xml editors to…