If you are using the Networking tool LinkedIn, I have created a group for Oracle Business Intellegence professionals. Look out for the group on my profile, and join in if you think it is appropriate for you.I will connect anyone who is working in OBIEE, Siebel Analytics, Oracle Business Intelgence…
OBI EE Consultants Needed
The OBIEE world is still going strong and demand is high. We need a couple more consultants – one experienced contractor for a project in Germany where we are the technical leaders, and one junior (on a decent salary). If you are ready for a new project/consultancy then do get…
Remembrance Day petition
http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/remembermonday/ A petition has been launched requesting a new public holiday falling on the Monday after Rembrance Sunday in November each year. To be known as the National Remembrance Holiday, it’s purpose is threefold: To emphasise the remembrance of those servicemen and women who have given, and continue to give,…
Using Catalog Manager
If you want to have a consistent Header or Footer on each page of your dashboards then you can add the default settings to your custom messages file and all NEW reports will have the same settings. You can edit these settings per page afterwards. However, if you have built…
New Version of OBIEE
Version of OBI Enterprise Edition is now released. It’s got some new stuff in. How exciting! adrian.ward@addidici.com www.addidici.com
NOT quite sure why it exists, but I just found a forum for ex-Oracle employees. Probably useful for networking with people who left to earn a decent wage contracting.It was listed in the LinkedIn groups section.Have a look at http://www.ex-oracle.org/html/index.php adrian.ward@addidici.com www.addidici.com
I found this link the other day. It lists the average rate for OBI consultants in the USA. http://www.hotgigs.com/rates/skill/Oracle-Business-Intelligence-hourly-consultant-bill-rates/ At 137 dollars for an average consultant and on a straight conversion these look slightly lower than the UK, but the cost of living over there is lower. adrian.ward@addidici.com www.addidici.com
Foreign Travel
So lets recap…. Ireland – Two OBI/Analytics requiredAmsterdam – One senior OBIEEMidlands – One OBIEE expertFrance – 2 month contract for Siebel AnalyticsLondon – Training x 2 then along comes Australia !!!! Anyone fancy going to Sydney for the winter? Where’s my suitcase. Seriously, there is more work than I…