Auto-correct can be your own worst enema.
Charles Dickens walks into a bar and orders a Martini.
The Barman says: “Olive or Twist?”
Claustrophobic people are at their best when thinking outside the box.
Seriously, have a look out of the window. Its sunny, the economy is doing great, there are lots of OBIEE Jobs in the UK, and our friends at Peak Indicators won the Partner of the Year Award. Life is good. OBIEE is good. You are good at OBIEE (if you read our book)
Blogs of the week
1. Which version was it again?
Phil Goerdt writes, “Recently I had to verify the version of an OBIEE installation for a client. As I was already ssh-ed into the Linux machine, I figured there was a way to determine the version without having to log into the presentation server. Turns out I was right, but for thoroughness sake, I’ll cover both approaches.”
2. Oracle Management Cloud – Finding the needle in the haystack
Red Stack Tech blogs: “Director of Cloud Strategy, Philip Brown has recently written an article which has been published in the 2017’s first edition of Oracle Scene. In the article, he explores the Oracle Management Cloud Log Analytics service. Phil demonstrates how this service enables you to work across infrastructure and application tiers to provide a better understanding of errors and issues and turn the huge volumes of operational log data into a useful commodity.”
3. OBIEE 11g: Setting multiple values to Presentation variables through goURL and conditional filtering
Vishal says that he is writing this blog after a long gap and it is worth the wait!!
4. SQLcl – Setting Up the Formatter
Jeff Smith says, “Just because you’re in a command line interface doesn’t mean you’re stuck with ugly code!”
5. Getting Started with GoldenGate
Neil Chandler posts a link to his article in Oracle Scene
6. @Oracle Cool new features to improve security. Part 1 Enhanced Whitelists PL/SQL
This blog states, “In Oracle 12.1 the ACCESSIBLE BY clause was introduced to the PL/SQL language. This gives the developer the ability mark a package, procedure, function, or type with what was allowed to call it. 12.2 gives us fine grained control over what can the specific functions and procedures in a package.”
7. Deception
Jonathan Lewis writes, “One of the difficulties with trouble-shooting is that’s it very easy to overlook, or forget to go hunting for, the little details that turn a puzzle into a simple problem.”
8. Integrating with Taleo Enterprise Edition using Integration Cloud Service (ICS)
Mani Krishnan says, “Integration Cloud Service (ICS) provides Oracle SaaS customers with pre-defined to connections to most SaaS subscriptions and zero-code integration features to quickly connect SaaS applications. Oracle Taleo provides talent management functions as Software as a service (SaaS). Taleo often needs to be integrated with other human resource systems.”
9. How Enterprise Manager Detects the Version of Oracle Databases
Gokhan Atil says, “You know that patch numbering has been changed since November 2015, and the new format replaces the numeric 5th digit of the bundle version with a release date in the form “YYMMDD”. Let’s say you applied PSU 160719 to your database, the exact version of your database becomes We also know that PSUs do not change the Oracle release version information that can be queried from v$version (Doc ID 861152.1), so when you query your database, you still see”
He then goes on to elaborate on this.
10. Head in the Essbase Cloud No. 1 — The Blessed Event
Cameron Lackpour writes, “No, Yr. Hmbl., Fthl., & Obt. Svt. has not suddenly changed sex and really and truly had one of life’s miracles bestowed upon him but instead something almost as great has happened: Essbase Cloud has launched.” !!
11. My query just got faster – brief introduction to 12.2 in-memory cursor duration temp tables
Keith Laker blogs, “This post covers one of the new SQL performance enhancements that we incorporated into Database 12c Release 2. All of these enhancements are completely automatic, i.e. transparent to the calling app/developer code/query. These features are enabled by default because who doesn’t want their queries running faster with zero code changes?
So in this post I am going to focus on the new In-Memory “cursor duration” temporary table feature. Let’s start by looking at cursor duration temp tables.”
12. How to find Oracle DVD log files
Dan Vlamis starts his blog by saying, “Hey, folks, I ran into a DVD error message that referenced a log and thought I would share where I found the log file in case others were wondering this.”
Brendan Tierney shares some of his slides, including:
This week on Twitter
ODTUG shared OAC Series: Finally Released!
Robin Moffat posted (Still) No Silver Bullets : OBIEE 12c Performance in the Real World
Red Stack Tech shared OBIEE 11G – Using dashboard prompts to view analyses
This week on LinkedIn
Vishal Pathak shared OBIEE 11G: Setting multiple values to Presentation Variables through goURL and conditional filtering
Benjamin Perez-Goytia posted Integrating Database Cloud Service (BDCS), Big Data Preparation Cloud Service (BDP), and Business Intelligence Cloud Service (BICS) with Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)
Stories from, and
Videos such as Tableau Analytics for OBIEE using BI Connector
and What is Oracle Analytics Cloud (OAC)?