Having just installed 11g in a Windows 2008 I thought I would share the experience. It was actually fairly simple, but there were a couple of gotchas. Thankfully Oracle produced a white paper on this in December last year, which I will show extracts of below: Introduction The paper…
Goodbye DB, Hello World
What a breath of fresh air. I just completed an INstallation of OBIEE 11g in Windows, clustered and integrated with Active Directory. The people were great, it’s so nice to be working with friendly people again, you know, the type that does not try to stab you in the back…
Not an OBIEE blog posting
This is just too weird…. http://en.tackfilm.se/?id=1264016746390RA38 But looks like I am vain enough to pass it on adrian.ward@addidici.com www.addidici.com
OBIEE Recruiting
Below is the ad we just posted on Jobserve. If any of you bloggers or readers can pass this on or know anyone coming available (who would pass the technical exam) I would be very grateful. (what do you think of the ad? Too geeky, not enough, too salesy?) …….
It’s Movember
Sorry but I can’t stay quiet any longer. I’ve had enough. Why are people wasting my time. If you don’t know OBIEE – DO NOT pretend you do know it. The next person who turns up to an interview had better match his/her CV. Am I asking too much? –…
Jeff’s New Place
Well worth keeping an eye on. http://greatobi.wordpress.com/ Jeff is one of the old boys! adrian.ward@addidici.com www.addidici.com
Another new blogger
Have a look at Tips On OBIEE => http://tipsonobiee.blogspot.com/I like the one about the short URL name, what shortname can I think of….. Keep them coming. the more the merrier (as they say). If you are wondering why I’m not blogging much, I have several excuses, including writing the book…
State of the OBIEE Market
Recession, what recession? Ever since I started up Majendi (Now Rittman Mead), the market for Siebel Analytics (now Oracle BI) has been a roller coaster. Looking back, supply and demand for consultants / contractors / permies has either been heavily biased to supply or to demand. Getting the balance right…
Dont Try This At Home Kids
Having just spent some time on a prjoect with Christian Berg and Venkat, and seeing some of the presentations at the BI Forum, I have come up with my all time top 10 of ‘Don’t do this without an Adult Supervisor’ 1. Implement Essbase in OBIEE2. Use xml editors to…