Not only were the presentations excellent, but the food was great too. Although we did sneak off to the pier for fish and chips and donuts one lunchtime. Mind you our hotel was a bit odd! and Mark is very scary!
Love Hate Essbase in OBIEE
Just you just love the speed of reporting on Essbase Cubes. Building the cubes is super fast. Having a simple report with one Measure is a pleasure to to build and run. Now try doing anything that OBIEE is good at. How about having a flat hierarchy? No Ok, what…
What is BI Apps?
I keep getting this question, along with how does Informatica interact with the OBIEE, and just what is the DAC? BI Apps can simply be described as 4 repositories. – rpd file for BI Server– Webcat files for Presentation catalog– xml files for DAC– rep file for Infomatica After you…
BI Apps Installation on Solaris 10, Essbase on
Sorry I have n’t been blogging much, life has been crazy busy.I did start trying to keep a running commentry at the BI Forum, but found that I was getting too engrossed in the content to write properly. It was great to meet evryone at the forum, some I had…
BI Forum – Session 3
Mark is showing us some new features in the DAC which helps to optimize the ETL and warehouse performance
Bi Forum – Session 1
Excellent preview of ODI BI Apps. Looks like a version of the DAC! Not available for 7.9.5 but is Not sure if I should tell customers to use it yet??!
A sneak preview of 11g?
I think I have found my favorite client. Not only are we analysing 4GB of data, 4 times every day, in a 10 minute ETL, but we’re adding some cool features to the dashboards. One feature is tree view. Those who use APEX will be familiar with how these work,…
iMAP the iPhone
I may be a bit slow, but I catch up eventually. Given that I am reading my emails on the iPhone I did not want to read them again in Outlook. Turns out that instead of using POP you can use IMAP, which keeps all the mail readers up to…
Rittman Mead and Majendi Join Forces
I am pleased to announce today that Majendi is Joining forces with Rittman Mead. All my technical bogging will now be on the Rittman Mead blog, but watch out for some personal stuff on here. We finalised the deal over lunch in Zurich, a very civilised part of the world….