3 Database Admins walked into a NoSQL bar. A little later, they walked out because they couldn’t find a table. Enjoy the latest news and blogs! Blogs of the week Selecting Optimal Parameters for XGBoost Model Training Andrejus Baranovskis shared “There is always a bit of luck involved when selecting…
#worldbookday2019 – Read a book or read some blogs instead
Today is #worldbookday2019 and children (and some adults) have been dressing up as their favourite characters from books. We are celebrating by reading some of the latest blogs and news instead! But first some jokes about all things ‘books’: What did the frog say when he went to the library?…
Some new blogs to read!
Q. Why aren’t dogs good dancers? A. Because they have two left feet! We are well into the swing of 2019 now and starting to see some beginning signs of Spring and benefit from some milder (warmer, dare we say it) weather. Come and read some of the new blogs…
January Blues?
Q: Erin, spell mouse. A: M O U S. Q: Yes–and what’s on the end of it? A: A tail? Happy New Year! We’re well and truly back into the swing of things and over half-way through January! Have the January blues? Read our first blog of 2019 and some…
It’s nearly Christmas!!
What’s the best Christmas Present? A broken drum – you can’t beat it. Merry Christmas everybody – have a great time and see you in the New Year with some more great blogs to read! Blogs of the week 1.Date Format Handling in Oracle JET Andrejus Baranovskis shares his thoughts…
A weekly round up
What did the traffic light say to the car? Don’t look, I’m about to change Groan. Read some of these blogs and watch some of these videos instead. Blogs of the week Table Order Jonathan Lewis begins his blog by saying, “Over the last few days I’ve highlighted on Twitter…
#OOW18 and other news
Q. How do vampires start their letters? A. “Tomb it may concern…” This week has seen Twitter filled with #oow18 fun and presentations. It looks like a great time was had by all. Looking forward to reading the blog posts about it soon. For now, we have a few pre-OOW18…
A few of the latest…
What do you call a belt made of watches? A waist of time Oracle Open World is done and dusted for 2018. There’s still time to register for the UKOUG Conference and Exhibition in Liverpool this year. 3rd – 5th December – have a look here. In the meantime –…
#thanksODC and other news
What’s black, red, black, red, black, red? A zebra with sunburn Some great blogs lately and also ODC Appreciation Day on twitter sparked off some good blogs and posts on social media. Have a look at just a selection of them below, and check out my twitter feed @Addidici and Weekly…
Plan for Oracle OpenWorld 2018 in advance!
Why did the golfer change his pants? Because he got a hole in one! Oracle OpenWorld 2018 is nearly upon us! There’s some great sessions planned – have a look at the sessions. Also some super blogs and videos to watch below! Have a brilliant week. Blogs of the week…