My mate has been fired from his job at a dress alteration company. Apparently he didn’t turn up enough. OK, lets keep up the pace this year. Soo much to learn in the OBIEE world, so little time. Lets talk about size. How big is your OBIEE? I was recently…
Best of OBI 2016
My News years resolution is to stop using spray deodorants. Roll on 2017 So that was an interesting year! If you ignore all the celebrity deaths, the Brexit, Wars, BI companies imploding, OTN mixing things up a bit, and the rise of the robot, then 2016 was actually a good…
Winter Analytics
My Fireworks didnt go off in the right sequence. Thats Bang Out of Order! The nights are drawing in, the leaves have dropped and snow is on the hills. Time to stay in, curl up by the fire, and read a good blog. So, here’s my Top 10 OBIEE blogs…
Back to Work Everybody
Club Tropicana. Closed, due to poorly thought out business strategy! OOW IS Over The Summer is Over (for up here in North Earth at least) The Children has been sent of to University (Seems quiet around here!) No more holidays this year (New York was a blast) So let’s get…
Shake off those Chicago Blues
My mate has written a book about birds Apparently, it has flown off the shelves. Life goes on in the OBIEE community. Just as those Chicago Kscope16 memories start to fade, the excitement begins for OpenWorld 16, then on to Tech16 (+Apps16). The good news is that I finally got…
Armagedden Avoided
What kind of Rock is never delivered on time? Slate FTSE is up, Exports Up, Government borrowing down. Mortgage rate down. Crisis over. Can we now get back to geeking now? While you were all enjoying yourself in Chicago I decided that I couldnt watch enviously from a wet,…
What Does Brexit Mean for the UK OBIEE Market
May you always live in Interesting Times Not sure who said that but I am sure he didnt meant this interesting! Markets plunging, Jobs at risk, political turmoil. First, if you are analysing the market reactions, then please use OBIEE If you want to improve the analyse of Polls, then…
Two Minute Tech Tips
The OTN will be at Kscope16 looking for willing Volunteers to video their tech tips. I can’t get there this year, so may have to do a selfie video 🙂 But what subjects would I cover? Use of Advanced SQL? Jquery in OBIEE? Apex and OBIEE? Hidden Cascading Prompts? Result…
Deadlines Met and News @ OBIEE
Deadlines. Some are ‘pretend’, you know you can get away with being a little bit late, because the you KNOW the project manager has factored in you being late! Others are very fixed. Like the deadline to submit proposals for speaking at conferences. Luckily I met the two that just…
Go Self Service or Go Home
Who understands your company Data best? Is it the OBIEE RPD Developer? Is it the DBA? Is it the Warehouse Designer? How about the source System Architect? Or the department analyst? Lets ask the question another way, Who knows what to do with the company Data in your system? The…